Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from ...
Yūji Yagami is a high school student with an unusual problem. Yūji has developed a crush ob his mother, Nomi, who is abnormally youthful in both her looks and mannerisms. Nomi however, ...
Ronny Bhaiya leads a double life - To the world he is the nephew of the MLA - and likes to think of himself as a Jann Neta, and at home he is the jobless 26 year old with no sense of ...
To solve the country's low birthrate problem, the Japanese government set up Otona Kōkō (Adult High School). Adults over 30 with no sexual experience are forcibly enrolled into Otona ...
Join Ash accompanied by his partner Pikachu, as he travels through many regions, meets new friends and faces new challenges on his quest to become a Pokémon Master.
What could be more awkward (or more entertaining) than Luke McGregor talking about sex? Oh wait… Luke McGregor trying to get better at sex. Yep definitely way more awkward and seriously ...
Famous Dog Lassie is a 1996 Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation as the 23rd entry of the World Masterpiece Theater staple. The anime is based on the 1940 novel Lassie ...
This sitcom series premiered in 1981 and changed its name every year, from "Hong Kong 81" to "Hong Kong 86." It was eventually replaced by a new sitcom called "City Stories." A total ...
The sexual revolution is alive and thriving. National Geographic Channel examines a once-taboo subject that is now impacting every aspect of society, from pop culture and science to ...
Donoue General Hospital runs into a budget deficit, even though the doctors drive expensive imported cars and live an outlandish lifestyle. Office manager Momoi finds surgeon Kosuke ...
Follow the intergalactic adventures of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and his loyal crew aboard the all-new USS Enterprise NCC-1701D, as they explore new worlds.