The classic and beloved story from Dr. Seuss is now a CG animated film from 20th Century Fox Animation, the makers of the Ice Age films. An imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim ...
In the year 2045, after an economic disaster known as the Synchronized Global Default, rapid developments in AI propelled the world to enter a state of "Sustainable War". However, the ...
New Apartment Complex Wife: Adultery is a Taste of Honey
3.5199968 minHD
Asako and Tomoko, who live next door to each other in a certain apartment complex, are housewives who frequently chat with each other. Asako, who is on good terms with her husband, ...
The Japanese government sets up a special task force to fight the giant creatures suddenly appearing across the country. Soon, the squad unexpectedly meets a giant silver humanoid who ...
Karni feels detached. Detached from the world, detached from her country, detached from her language and even her own body. That is, until she meets Jessica, who happens to be on a much ...
One hot summer day a little girl gets lost in an enchanted forest of the mountain god where spirits reside. A young boy appears before her, but she cannot touch him for fear of making ...
Following a ridiculously awful flight that leads to his pet's death, Nashawn Wade files a lawsuit against the airline, and wins a multimillion-dollar settlement. Determined to create a ...